As a self-confessed geek and nerd, one of my favourite pastimes has always been splurging on electronics.
Despite that, I don’t do it often, because watching those savings grow makes me far happier than seeing it go the other way.
So where that got me to was a 7–8 year old Kindle Paperwhite that has served me well, but suffers from extreme lag and short battery life. I’m talking, like, losing 30% battery in one morning of minimal use, when Kindles are meant to go 2+ weeks without charging.
Thanks to the current state of my first ever Kindle, I have happily been able to justify my investment into the newest Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition that’s just been released this week. It did set me back A$289, but considering the previous one lasted 7 years, it’s really not bad at all. (By comparison though, that’s more expensive than the Ninja Airfryer/Grill I recently purchased to replace our broken airfryer, and that thing is a pure delight. Five stars. Highly recommend.)
Long story short, I’m over the moon with my Kindle purchase, which is a perfect combination of my love for electronics and reading.
It has turned out to be an expensive month though. As mentioned above, I bought a new airfryer because the last one broke—actually; I dropped it. Accidentally, I swear!
It’s just a shame I cannot justify getting these gorgeous but expensive-ish cases for my new Kindle. I may well give in at some point…
And now, my 7‑year-old keyboard is about to enter its grave too. Lately it’s started doing this odd thing where most of the keys stop working at random times, but a few other keys continue to work, and the only way to get everything work again is to restart my computer. So… I’ve been eyeing some gaming keyboards, seeing as I’m also a gaming nerd and all.
I’ve had zero experience with mechanical keyboards, so I’m both excited and nervous about getting my first one. Specifically, these beautiful Ducky Keyboards that come highly recommended, and which I’ve recently learnt are manufactured in Taiwan!
It will set me back around another ~A$150 but, you know, I’ll just claim it’s well justified again because my current one is dying.
In summary, money does buy happiness, especially if you’re a splurge-happy nerd like me.
Book update
You know what else makes me happy? I’ve just published over 30,000 words on Wattpad for The Cursed King’s Bride and I am surprised, amazed and overwhelmed by the support and feedback I’ve received from readers thus far, especially as it’s an incomplete, ongoing story and most people understandably prefer reading complete stories.
I have felt really unsure about this story because it’s in a rather different style to Bride Behind the Mask. I was sure that most readers of BBTM simply wouldn’t like this WIP at all, so… I am very grateful for all the encouragement I’ve had so far from the kind readers on Wattpad.